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dvalin - Taimos Microservice Framework

Dvalin is a Java micro service framework based on several open-source frameworks to combine the best tools into one quick start suite for fast, reliable and scaling micro services. The core technology is the Spring framework and dvalin uses our Daemon Framework as the lifecycle management for the service process.

To use dvalin in your project add the maven dependencies as shown below. It is recommended to set the dvalin version as property to make sure all modules you use have the same version.


Then add dvalin as a BOM to the maven dependency management to ensure compatibly versions of used third-party libraries.


Parts of dvalin

Dvalin provides several independent but combineable libraries serving different purposes around the runtime and interaction of micro services. By adding a library as a Maven dependency, it gets activated automatically and all the needed Spring components are started.

These libraries are:


The daemon part includes the Taimos daemon framework into dvalin. You can use the following conditional annotations from the daemon framework:

The entry point for your application is the DvalinLifecycleAdapter. Just extend it and implement a main method that calls the static start method. This configures your application to read properties from a file called

By overriding the setupLogging() Method you can enable the StructuredLogConfigurer instead of the default Log4j configuration. Logging will the use the console and print all entries in JSON format. The DvalinLogger can be used to modify the MDC for a single log line.


The jaxrs library adds tooling to implement JAX-RS web services. It combines the powers of the Spring framework, the Apache CXF framework, the Jackson JSON mapper and the Eclipse Jetty web server. To include it add the maven dependency to your POM file. It will then automatically configure a Jetty web server running on a given port and start a CXF JAX-RS handler into the running Jetty server. By default all beans annotated with @JaxRsComponent will be registered as provider or endpoint respectively. Additionally several extra features are implemented.

You can inject the DvalinRSContext to get easier access to some of the features.


For every request an instance of de.taimos.dvalin.jaxrs.monitoring.InvocationInstance will be registered into the MessageContext. It will contain a unique request id and will measure the runtime of the request for monitoring purpose.


You can activate preconfigured JacksonProvider or WebExceptionMapper by subclassing the respective type and annotate it with @JaxRsComponent.

Remote service

By annotating a private field of a JAX-RS client interface with @RemoteService dvalin will automatically create a JAX-RS client proxy and then inject it like any other autowired bean into the desired location. You can provide the base URL of the service or use defined system properties to resolve the URL of the service.


The JAX-RS web service it automtically documented using the Swagger specification and published as swagger.{json|yaml} on the root of your API URL. Also a graphical Swagger ui is served under /swagger-ui.

WebSocket support

You can publish a WebSocket just by annotating any class with @WebSocket. If you like you can use the abstract ServerJSONWebSocketAdapter as a base class. For the client side (e.g. in tests) you can use the ClientSocketAdapter to connect the the published socket.


There are several helper classes and beans to provide identity and access management functionality.


You can subclass the abstract AuthorizationProvider and return SecurityContexts in the methods to implement or you can provide implementations of predefined bean interfaces to activate ready-to-use authentication filters for BasicAuth or token based authentication.

These interfaces are the IBasicAuthUserDAO or the ITokenAuthUserDAO. If you put an implementation in your Spring context the JAX-RS filter will be deployed using the @BeanAvailable annotation of the core library.


To limit access to sensitive resources you can use the injectable DvalinRSContext that provides methods to retrieve information about the logged in user or to assert given roles. Additionally dvalin registers filters that support the following annotations to limit access to resources.

To help in protecting user credentials the class HashedPassword implements everything needed to store password hashes secured by the SHA-512 function using a 512 bit salt and a dynamic number of iterations.


Several settings of the dvalin framework can be customized using system properties which are described in de.taimos.dvalin.jaxrs.SpringCXFProperties.


For integration tests of your JAX-RS service there are several helpers implemented in dvalin. There is an abstract APITest class that provides several helper methods to start web requests, open web sockets and assert responses from web service endpoints. To assert conditions across multiple threads you can use the AsyncAssert class. To inject client proxies to your API under test just annotate a field in your test class with @TestProxy and dvalin will create the desired proxy and link it to the server instance during test execution.

JSON Web Tokens

For Web Token support include the additional dependency dvalin-jaxrs-jwtauth and set the following properties:

You can then create WebTokens using the JWTAuth bean and they are automatically validated when set as Bearer type Authorization.


The jpa library adds JPA and Hibernate support including changeset management using liquibase. By setting some system properties you get the full support to store and retrieve data from relational database systems. Supported databases are currently HSQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL. You have to add the desired jdbc driver to your classpath manually.

The following settings are possible:

For MySQL the following extra setting are possible:

For PostgreSQL the following extra setting are possible:

The library also provides a general purpose DAO interface (IEntityDAO) and an abstract implementation (EntityDAOHibernate) with many helper methods to ease the development of the data layer. For this to work your entities have to implement the IEntity interface.

If you use the JodaTime library you can annotate Date members with the JodaDateTimeType to activate JodaTime support for JPA.

All changesets contained or referenced in the file liquibase/changelog.xml are checked and applied on startup by the liquibase database migration library.


The mongodb library adds support for the MongoDB document store. By adding the dependency you get the full support to interact with MongoDB databases including an in-memory database for tests.

Connection properties

The following settings are possible:

For connections to real MongoDB databases, these extra properties can be set:

Abstract entity and DAO interface

The library provides a general purpose DAO interface (ICrudDAO) and an abstract implementation (AbstractMongoDAO) with many helper methods to ease the development of the data layer. For this to work your entities have to extend the AEntity superclass. The DAOs created have integrated support for JodaTime classes. If you want to use polymorphic types in your entities make sure to implement @IMappedSupertype on the super class. This advises the Jackson mapper to include type information into the created JSON for deserialization.


For database migration purpose the mongobee library is included and is configured as denoted above using system properties. See the mongobee documentation on how to implement changesets. For Index creation take a look at the ChangelogUtil helper class.


To prefill the database with startup data or test data for integration tests put file on your classpath into the package mongodb and name them using the following pattern: <CollectionName>.ndjson If you set the system property mongodb.demodatato true dvalin will populate the given collections with the objects contained in this new-line delimited files. Just put one JSON object per line.


Another feature of dvalin's MongoDB support are DocumentLinks. These allow for references between your documents. To include a reference in one of your entities just add a field of the generic type DocumentLink and let your referenced entity extend AReferenceableEntity instead of AEntity. Dvalin will then include a reference to the given document in your JSON which you can resolve by injecting the IDlinkDAO wherever you want.


The dynamodb library adds support for the AWS DynamoDB data store. By including the AWS cloud module you get the full support to interact with DynamoDB using the SDK or the DynamoDBMapper.

Abstract DAO implementation

The library provides a general purpose DAO implementation (AbstractDynamoDAO) with automatic initialization and table creation. If you set the dynamodb.url property the endpoint of the SDK is reconfigured. This enables the use of the local DynamoDB version for development.


The cloud libraries provide SDKs for cloud service providers. Currently only Amazon Web Services is available under cloud-aws and can be added using maven. It provides the core dependency to the Java AWS SDK and the annotation @AWSClient to inject clients to access the AWS API. Just annotate a member extending AmazonWebServiceClient and dvalin will automatically inject a configured instance into your bean.

Region selection occurs as follow:

If aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey are present as properties they will be used to sign the requests to the AWS API. Otherwise the following chain will be used:

Utility beans

There are two utility beans that implement common use cases in EC2 and CloudFormation. See EC2Context and CloudFormation beans for details.

In addition you can let Dvalin signal the current CloudFormation stack by setting the property aws.cfnsignal to true.


The cluster libraries provide tools to form a cluster of services. Currently only Hazelcast is available under cluster-hazelcast and can be added using maven. It adds hazelcast to the classpath and auto configuration for clusters. To form a cluster set the system property hazelcast.cluster to true and implement ClusterInfoProvider as a component. To connect to a cluster implement the same interface and set the property hazelcast.client to the name of a cluster that the provider can resolve.


This component provides a templating engine based on Velocity and PDF generation based on XDocReport.

Template engine

For templating the Velocity template engine is used. Inject the ITemplateResolver in your bean to process templates. You can provide a location relative to the folder /velocity in your classpath or you provide the template as String.

PDF generation

For PDF generation XDocReport is used. Inject the ReportService tp create PDF files. You provide a location relative to the folder /xdocreport in your classpath targetting a docx file. This file is then merged with the given context and a PDF is created.


The notification component provides support for sending e-mails. The notification-aws library provides an implementation of the MailSender that uses Amazon SimpleEmailService.


Dvalin uses the standard Spring MailSender interface for its email support. The core library provides the TestMailSender that stores the sent mails into a collection instead of sending them out. This can be used in integration tests. The notification-aws version uses SES to send emails. The region to use can be specified by the property aws.mailregion. If it is not set, the region is derived using the strategy defined above for the AWSClient annotation.


The monitoring service allows sending statistics to different backends to collect metering data.


Currently a logging backend and AWS CloudWatch are supported. To enable the backend put the desired library on the classpath. Only one backend can be on the classpath simultaneously.


To send metrics manually inject the MetricSender interface and call the sendMetric method. You have to supply some coordinates for the metric and the value itself.

Dvalin also provides AspectJ annotations that send metrics automatically.


coming soon


The test library provides utilities to help in writing test for dvalin based projects. It adds dependencies to Mockito, JUnit and Concordion.

Base class for Mockito unit tests

The class AbstractMockitoTest configures JUnit to use the Mockito runner and configures the log4j framework before test execution.


The InjectionUtils helper class provides methods to inject dependencies into beans. This allows to fill @Autowired annotated fields in unit tests with mocked objects. See the javadoc of the class for further information about the features.